Automotive Advertising Agencies Focus on People Using Social Media Vs Product or Price
The role of the automotive advertising agency has changed to follow the new rules of the road on the Internet Super Highway. Newly empowered consumers are no longer limited to shopping for a vehicle using information provided by self serving auto dealers pushing information to them using conventional media like radio, T.V. or newspaper. Social media has allowed car shoppers to gather information from like minded customers before, during and after their shopping and/or buying experience. These online friends are playing an increasing role in the car shopping process and automotive advertising agencies are using them to influence buyers.The new pull / push nature of the market powered by the Internet requires automotive advertising agencies to focus on people vs. product or price. Car shoppers are following their own agendas when pulling information from the world wide web that no longer requires them to rely on an auto dealer as the source. Today’s online shoppers prioritize people when selecting a dealership they are willing to do business with. That is not to suggest that product and price aren’t important. It simply suggests that all systems start and end with people and that people are the true asset of any auto dealer, automotive advertising agency or vendor!The most obvious evidence of the priority that people play in the auto shopping/buying/service experience is the explosive growth that social media has enjoyed as a marketing media vs. conventional radio, T.V. and print that used to dominate the automotive advertising landscape. Automotive advertising agencies recognize that people have always preferred to do business with people that they like and social networking has expanded the spheres of influence of car shoppers/buyers to include their online friends.The market is a conversation amongst friends before, during and after the car shopping/buying/ service cycle. Auto dealers that have friends in the social networking communities are more likely to be invited to participate in the dialogue. More specifically, automotive advertising agencies realize that it is difficult to befriend a building or a website! It is the people that work at the dealership to support their families that have the story to tell to their friends and who will earn the sale — not the Chevrolet, Toyota, Mercedes, etc. — or the extended service hours and weekly specials. Saturday service hours have no appeal if the customers don’t like or trust the people that they are handing their keys to. Having a friend in the car business is a relief that trumps the best process, product or price for the average car buyer.Automotive advertising agencies also recognize that people play a role in both the real and virtual world showroom experience which will be reflected in the number of units sold and their job performance at the end of the month. First impressions are irretrievable and they are not limited to a large inventory, clean showroom or a dealer centric selling system that processes customers in sales and/or service. The atmosphere in a well run dealership reflects the morale of the staff in sales and service which directly impacts the customers that an automotive advertising agency drives to the dealership.A smiling sales person, service writer, operator and cashier can’t be forced as a part of policy — much like customer satisfaction can’t be bought or taken for granted by simply offering the best price; it must be earned. It is earned when a dealer or manager appreciates the individual and team contributions of his staff — and tells them so on a regular basis! It is maintained by HR departments and hiring practices that select personality over prior auto sales experience with compensation plans that reflect individual contributions along with job descriptions and defined areas of responsibility that are managed and monitored by a caring management team.Employee retention is directly linked to customer satisfaction and customer retention and neither can be taken for granted. Automotive advertising agencies are counseling their auto dealer clients to invest in their people before, during and after they are hired to compliment their investments in automotive advertising. It is their people that will represent their dealership and it is their people who will sell their cars and service to a growing list of friends and customers.Automotive advertising agencies have extended their areas of responsibility to include their involvement in all aspects of day to day operations at an auto dealership. Most selling systems and related processes include a meeting and greeting, an initial manager T.O. to qualify the customer’s needs, an inventory and facility walk, a test drive, a feature benefit presentation, a desking procedure, a manager T.O., negotiations, an F&I introduction, a delivery procedure and service introduction. All of these steps are then supported by a state of the art CRM/ILM, DMS and follow up system. Unfortunately, all of these well thought out procedures are only as good as the sales person who entered the customer into the system and/or who is expected to follow up if not sold or who is relied on to solicit future service and referrals.All of these actions reflect on the job performance of the automotive advertising agency and they must be addressed as part of their areas of responsibility. Automotive advertising agencies recognize that sales training is all too often limited to a few weeks immediately after the hire and/or some outsourced trainer hired to pump up the staff. Given the complexity of a well planned selling system — as described above — how can a new hire be expected to retain everything that they need to know? Add product information and an understanding of how human nature impacts the negotiation process and — once again — the investment in the people becomes self evident.There is a paradigm shift taking place in the way that sales and service training should be applied at a dealership and it is up to the automotive advertising agency to insure that it is understood and applied. Forward thinking automotive advertising agencies have discovered that sales and service training can’t be limited to the new hires and or as needed to motivate the staff. It must start in the hiring process by selecting trainable personalities and then integrated into the selling system in such a way that the processes teach the sales person as much as the customer. Buyers and sellers must form a habit to listen and learn from each other before they can presume to sell or buy anything. A sales person does not need to know everything — they simply need to know where to find the answers that are relevant to the customer to move them through their buying decision.Automotive advertising agencies often rely on new technologies to provide efficiencies applied to proven old world wisdom. New mobile sales applications are being developed that promise to provide a salesperson with the right information at the right place and the right time which will integrate training into the sales process. The key is to focus on the people part of the presentation supported by the processes, products and the price rather than the other way around.
Modern Kitchen: Improve Your Cooking and Cleanliness With a Smarter Kitchen Design
Most people may not realize the importance of having a good kitchen design. The kitchen is considered to be one of the most important parts of the home. It can also be considered as one of the busiest areas. Designing it properly can definitely contribute to the improvement of cooking and even the cleanliness in your entire home.The Advantages of Modern KitchenThere are actually a lot of advantages when it comes to using the modern kitchen. The kitchen’s design is not merely for maintaining the aesthetic quality of the home, but it is also very essential in making work a lot easier.Due to the advancements in technology, a lot of new kitchen appliances and equipment has become available in the market nowadays. This modern kitchen equipment does not only provide a very impressive and professional look to your kitchen, but it can also definitely improve your work efficiency.Modern Kitchen Improves Cooking EfficiencyDue to different innovations when it comes to kitchen equipment and design, you can create a lot of variations of dishes easily. This definitely proves that technology can truly you’re your workload easier. Gone are the days when you have to struggle with the traditional setup that you may now have in your kitchen. 21st Century kitchens can definitely make you feel a lot better while cooking. You now have a lot of options when it comes to design, as advanced kitchen tools are widely available in the market.Modern Kitchen Can Make Your Food Preparation FasterYou do not have to wait a long time just to be able to finish your task when it comes to cooking. All the advanced kitchen equipment like blenders, microwaves, ovens, coffee makers and other appliances make cooking as quickly as possible without having to compromise the quality of the food or the dish being prepared. No matter how complicated or difficult a recipe that you’re trying to cook is, it can definitely be made easier and faster if you have a modern kitchen in your home.Modern Kitchen Keeps You from Cleaning a Lot of MessWith a modern kitchen, you can definitely free yourselves from the struggle of making too much clutter and mess in your cooking area. With the use of advanced equipment, you will not need to do most of your cooking tasks manually. This is a great advantage because it will be easier for you to clean your working area. You just have to make sure that you clean your equipment well, as most of them are the ones that do the work for you.You do not need to worry about where to look for inspiration if you really want to have your very own modern kitchen. There are a lot of sources of materials in the market, plus you can definitely get a lot of inspiration from designs all over the Internet or in home and lifestyle magazines. If you are still working in a traditional kitchen, a kitchen makeover can help you to see how the modern kitchen design can definitely be very beneficial.
A Couple of New Future Concepts, Ideas, and Inventions for Your Intellectual Mind
As you know, each day I come up with at least 2-original thoughts, and rather than making lots of little articles describing this week’s new innovative concepts, I thought I’d share with you 6 or 7 of the ideas, all packed into one article. Why? To help get your intellectual mind thinking, and put you into the creative flow, now then, let’s begin with:Regenerative Compression for Air-Compressed Driven Cars – Concept Idea ConsideredWe are all aware of regenerative braking systems which use the automobiles deceleration to create a friction style energy generation to keep a hybrid or all-electric car’s batteries charged. Well, what if we used such a regenerative scheme to turn a compressor motor instead. How so you ask? Well, when braking, the wheels turn the compressor wheel to re-compress the air tanks, which could later used for power, and/or to charge the battery or run a generator for electrical equipment on the automobile.There have been some successful attempts at an air-compressed motor to drive a car, bicycle, and motorcycle. Although these previous attempts have been less than stellar for range, such technology does make sense for some applications. Well, what if we used this concept to increase the range by giving back the wasted loss in kinetic energy during deceleration just as we do with current hybrid and electric cars? Compressed air does hold promise given the right motor and transmission set up. Okay so think on that.For Number Two; I’d like to talk about the Apple iPad, Amazon Fire, and other popular tablet personal computing devices. What we clearly need is “iPad Holder Attire is Needed for All Occasions,” in fact, there was an interesting article in Fast Company Magazine in September of 2001 titled; “For Every iPod, There is A Hammer Pair of Pants” which talked about the normal evolution of products to fit the changes in our society. It depicted a pair of pants in one of the scenes pitted against another pair of ugly yester-year denim pair of shorts; the newer version with an extra large pocket, which coincided with the perfect size for an iPad.More and more folks are taking their tablets with them everywhere they go, just as they now are fully mobile with their smartphones. With so many folks on the go, and computing in a mobile fashion, isn’t it about time that folks started making a fashion statement about their trendy use of personal technology also? Perhaps use graphene coatings, or electromagnetic induction techniques, or even solar to power up and keep the tablet charged as a docking station?Okay so, how about another concept or invention for you today; let’s call this Number Three. What about an “Electronic Sensor to Outsmart the Brain Fart?” How so you ask? Well, it is widely known by those who study such things that if someone is doing a specific task for any given amount of time, eventually, they will make a slight mistake, and interestingly enough scientists using fMRI, EEG, and NanoSquid brain scanning technologies they can actually predict when.All we need to do is to miniaturize these components and connect them to equipment, computers, cars, smartphones, military fighter planes, etc, and have such a device send out a pulse of a hyper alert brain wave just prior to the mistake occurring.Number Four: Next up, I’d like to enlighten my reader that ultra-sound created by large wind-turbines tend to thicken the air around them, which is a good thing for the next wind turbine in that now modified relative wind. However by thickening the air, it also allows molecules in the air to align and combine at a faster rate.Therefore pollution air particles are more likely to form also, thus we need a set of wind turbine blades which produces little or no ultrasound. In fact, we should be shooting for near zero, because making noise of any type is wasted energy. There are some designs which produce less ultra-sound but that typically isn’t the case with the extra-large wind turbines now in use, or those in very large wind farms currently.Speaking of which let me bring up another point of contention and ask a question, one you may not know the answer too, nor probably ever considered; “Do Cell Towers Cause a Thickened Atmosphere Near the Surface?” The answer would be yes, but how much is hard to say. If we want to reduce frequency pollution and the inadvertent combining of air pollution molecules, we should be thinking here.No, I am not done with this week’s original thoughts, so here is Number Five. I’d like you to consider another interesting concept; “Laser Scaffolding Scheme to Collect Earthquake Wave Energy Worked – Now What?”You see, he’d read a piece in Christian Science Monitor on April 18, 2011 titled; “Building – Absorbing a Quakes Effect,” by Staff Writer Chris Gaylord which discussed a new building technique to allow elasticity with a “fused approach to mitigate, or concentrate, damage…” when a light bulb went off in his head.You see, he reasoned that the elastic steel cables could be substituted with free-electron particle laser beams crisscrossing an area surrounding an Earthquake fault, but first he had to put those calculations together, with some other scientific data he’d read about measuring minor tremors due to fracking techniques now used in the oil and gas industry.Now then, one of the diagrams in the Christian Science Manager showed how the structural pieces were designed to break in a way that protects the building from falling and re-fuses it together, holding it up-right. Okay so taking this idea, what if we built an artificial high-powered frequency grid using some long stakes driven into the ground and created a grid-gate to bounce the S and P waves away preventing the major shaking? Can it really be done, how much power is needed, do we have the technology? Hard to say, but nothing is impossible when it comes to American Technology.Number Six: here is another nifty idea and concept for my last innovative invention; “The Futuristic Holographic Retail Displays Are Cool,” and they are cool because they will interact with your smart phone, which will have a 3D rendering of your body, and it will be able to interface with the retail clothing store’s computer to display you in a hologram before your eyes, wearing the outfit you’d like to try on.In other words, no more dressing rooms, no more store shrinkage from theft, and the clothes you buy will have never been worn, not even to try on in the dressing room. Imagine that, no better yet, go invent that and then make millions, because people will buy it, and all you need is the App, and an IBM spectral imaging projector to sell that concept to the retailers – done deal. Indeed, I hope you will please consider all these new thoughts of the week.